Weltfriedenstag 2024 - Jane Goodall Institut - Deutschland

Weltfriedenstag 2024

Dr. Jane Goodall lacht mit Friedenstauben im Hintergrund.
2002 erhielt Dr. Jane Goodall die Ehrung zur UN-Friedensbotschafterin. Insbesondere für ihr weltweites Roots & Shoots-Programm, das junge Menschen in über 100 Ländern bei Projekten in den Bereichen Mensch, Tier und Umwelt unterstützt. 
Zum Weltfriedenstag am 21. September teilt Dr. Goodall ihre Botschaft mit uns: 

“I am a UN Messenger of Peace, and it is not easy to think of what message I should share this year. Because right now, the world is so very far from being peaceful. Yet so many millions of people hate war and dream of living in peace. Mothers protest when their husbands or sons are forced to fight and weep when they return wounded or in body bags. The young men who survive are often deeply traumatized by the horrors of war. And there seems to be war or armed conflict all over the globe: the Russia/Ukraine war, the continuing conflict between Israel and Palestine which has resulted in the ongoing genocide in Gaza, the wars and conflicts in so many African countries, the acts of terrorism by religious extremist groups, the oppression of indigenous people and minority groups, the school shootings, the increasing domestic violence and violence on the streets, and of course, racism and discrimination.

And then there are our continuing attacks on the natural world: deforestation, pollution, mining, fracking and industrial agriculture with its use of often poisonous chemical pesticides, herbicides, and artificial fertilizers. The very soil is being killed, and there is a terrible effect on biodiversity. We are in the midst of the 6th great extinction of plant and animal species, this one caused by human acts of violence against nature, made worse by human-induced climate change. We are treating billions of sentient animals with great cruelty in factory  farms,  unnecessary medical research, in entertainment and as pets. And there is the horrific trophy hunting. Just imagine what the world would be like if everyone paid heed to the Golden Rule common to every single major religion: “Do to others as you would like them to do to you,” and those “others” should include animals and Mother Nature.

The theme of this year’s International Peace Day is “Cultivating a culture of peace” and this theme runs through JGI’s humanitarian and environmental program, Roots & Shoots, now active in 70 countries around the world with members from kindergarten through University. There are even adult groups. In many countries members will be flying giant peace doves, made of recycled bed sheets and chicken wire or papier-mâché, while playing the song by Dana Lyons ,  “Circle the World.” They will also be choosing projects to promote peace with the natural world – projects such as clearing trash from rivers, lakes, and oceans, planting trees, or raising money for conservation organizations. Some are working with those seeking to end the illegal wildlife trade. Some are volunteering in shelters for abandoned dogs and cats, or sanctuaries for rescued animals from factory farms or wildlife trafficking, walking dogs for the sick or elderly, tending their organic gardens, gathering together in their neighbourhoods to share projects and stories, with food and drink from different cultures. As we bring together members from different countries (usually virtually) they are realizing that more important than the colour of skin, language, culture, and religion is the fact that we are all human – we all feel mental and physical pain, we all weep, and laugh, and love. We are family. In many countries Muslims and Christians and members from different countries and cultures are working together on projects to make the world a better place for all.

We can, each and every one of us, do our best to show kindness to and respect for the people, animals, and nature around us. We can try to reconcile differences within our families or with friends or work colleagues. We can reach out a hand in friendship to newly arrived refugees. We can make ethical choices in what we buy, what we eat, what we wear – which means we can refuse to buy products that have harmed the environment, been cruel to animals, or are cheap because of unfair wages.

And let us pray for the end of conflict, especially the genocide of the people of Gaza. And for those risking their lives to help the wounded and feed the hungry and care for the animals suffering as a result of human violence, cruelty and war.”

Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, Gründerin des Jane Goodall Institute & UN-Friedensbotschafterin.

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